

Join in. Nerd out.

Wanna be a story nerd? Join the Short Story Writers of the Earth for your weekly dose of everything short story.

What you get . . .

The Weekly Short Story Dispatch.

Each issue is brimming with a craft editorial, event invites, a curated selection of short story news, early access to courses, and the coveted yearly discount code.

Members Only Events.

We teach you about the short story form, help you get writing, give you feedback on your stories, and help you submit.

>>> Short Story Writers’ Group. A silly and hard-working bunch focused on providing each other with encouraging, incisive, and succinct feedback on short story manuscripts.

>>> Short Story Write-In. Two hours of silent, supported, focused writing time surrounded by other writers with the same goal.

>>> Short Story Club. Like a book club, but for short stories. Every month, we read a story and talk about it.

>>> Short Story Accounting. A monthly gathering to prepare our stories for the world, check in about submission goals, grieve rejections, and celebrate acceptances.

Lisa Hislop
Editor & Proofreader |
The Short Story Editor